Preceding the NCOH Science Café in Utrecht, Young NOCH hosted a masterclass by Kick Moors titled: ‘To be a Scientist, and how to pitch it’. Here, twenty young researchers became increasingly aware of their motivation to be a scientist, and how to translate this into the ‘perfect pitch’.
Young NCOH is a network for PhD students and post-docs who work in one of the NCOH research groups in the field of One Health. Aim of the network is to share knowledge and expertise in One Health related disciplines, which can lead to new collaborations in research and help you develop as a scientist. As a member you get the opportunity to participate in a range of events including masterclasses, site visits and networking meetings tailored to your needs.
This year, Young NCOH kicked off at the 3rd Annual Scientific Meeting held at Radboudumc Nijmegen. Preceding the NCOH Science Café at 29 October Young NOCH hosted a masterclass. This is one example of events organised by Young NCOH. The next event will take place in March 2020.
Save the date for the Young NCOH Day held on Thursday 19 March 2020. This day will combine scientific content with skill development and a site visit. More information about the program will follow soon.
Stay updated? Register now at ncoh.nl/young
Kind regards,
The Young NCOH board
Doris Bergeijk
Jochem Buil
Dennis Doorduijn
Arthur Edridge
Romy Zwittink