Read more about the continuation of Netherlands Centre for One Health, the webinars series and the Science Café, and collaborations during the current COVID-19 pandemic in the update of the NCOH Executive Board.
First, the NCOH Executive Board congratulates her colleague Marion Koopmans on being awarded the Machiavelli Prize 2020 together with Diederik Gommers. The prize is awarded annually for a remarkable achievement in the field of public communication.
Continuation of NCOH
This year we are enthusiastically preparing the discussions on the continuation of NCOH after its first funding period; this year NCOH officially exists 5 years already! This lustrum and ‘launch’ of the following 5 years will be celebrated on 3 November on the international One Health Day. So keep your calendars free on this day for the Annual Scientific Meeting.
The Executive and Supervisory Board are currently shaping the contours of the new strategic research agenda with an additional focus on ‘pandemic response’. The Supervisory Board has committed to the continuation of NCOH for at least another 5 years. If you are interested in contributing or are seeking more information, you can contact the Executive Board representative of your Partner organisation.
NCOH Webinars and Science Café
Thanks to your attendance and contribution, our free series of monthly NCOH Webinars are a success! We started with a focus on the current COVID-19 pandemic, and tackled it through a One Health approach on very timely subjects. We are continuing with the webinar series and will broaden the focus to include additional current One Health topics and challenges. You can watch our past webinars – on minks, aerosols, immunity COVID-19 research, antibiotic development, avian influenza, COVID-19 in cats and dogs – on our NCOH media page. Keep an eye on our calendar for future editions!
The next edition of our Science Café will take place on 3 June. Hopefully the last time in a digital environment. As usual PhD-students will pitch their research. The best pitch will be awarded with a trophy. The theme of this event is: the greening of cities, one health challenges. You can find more information about the program and the link to register here.
NCOH collaborations during the current COVID-19 pandemic
The NCOH has provided a strong platform and its infrastructure has enabled many researchers to swiftly act on current topics. As an example, currently a lot of COVID-19 research is done through collaborations between our NCOH Partners, this holds for both the observational as clinical research. To highlight some One Health examples, we have not only examined human-to-human transmission problems through a multidisciplinary approach, but also human-animal-human transmission has been researched in minks and companion animals. To highlight the fruitful collaborations within NCOH, our website will soon be updated to reflect some of our combined efforts in the current pandemic.