In January 2016, NCOH’s own bilingual Twitter account, @ncohnl, was registered. With investigators in the field of one health as a primary target group, via this Twitter account relevant developments in the context of one health are highlighted.
By the end of 2018 the account had approximately 675 followers and close to 500 tweets had been sent out. Particularly successful (based on the number of impressions, defined as the number of times that users saw a tweet) in 2018 were the twitter campaigns related to NCOH-sponsored/organized meetings. To mention a few: (1) a series of 15 tweets related to the NCOH Annual Scientific Meeting (May 30) with over 35.000 impressions, (2) a series of 10 tweets on the NCOH symposium on bacteriophage therapy (Feb 22) with over 16.000 impressions, and (3) a series of 6 tweets at the NCOH Science Café of Nov 11 with over 8.000 impressions.
The Top-5 of most successful individual tweets during 2018 (based on impressions):