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Successful first Annual Scientific Meeting in Leiden

The first NCOH annual scientific meeting, organized by Leiden University and the LUMC on June 19th, was a great success, with about 120 people attending, and many new contacts and connections made.

The program featured two keynote lectures. Prof. Ab Osterhaus focused on the threat posed by zoonotic viral diseases, and the necessity of a One Health approach to tackle this. Prof. Hans Heesterbeek introduced complex systems theory in the context of AMR and emphasized that, besides a One Health approach, it is vital to embrace AMR as Planetary Health problem. Later that day, in the thematic parallel sessions, (young) NCOH researchers highlighted their research. Through a networking event, scientists from the 4 NCOH themes were encouraged to connect and share ideas.

In a One Health approach to prevention and control of infectious diseases outbreaks, an integrated and balanced perspective is adopted, in which human, veterinary, wildlife, and environmental elements are considered. The Netherlands Centre for One Health (NCOH) brings together academic research institutes in the Netherlands that are active in One Health research.

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