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On 16 October, in the ‘Science Café’ at the RIVM, filled with eager scientists and researchers, a series early career research pitches were about to unfold. Each presenter had their unique story to tell, showcasing their innovative approaches to tackling some of the world’s most pressing research questions. At the end of the café the audience voted that Laura Derks of RIVM had won the NCOH Best Pitch Award.

On 16 October One Health enthusiasts gathered at the RIVM where Arjan van de Giessen of the opened the environmental Science Café, emphasizing the importance of addressing zoonotic diseases.

On 9 July, Jesse Kerkvliet completed his PhD and successfully defended his thesis ‘Antimicrobial resistance on the move: Computational methods to identify and reconstruct mobile genetic elements contributing to AMR dissemination’.
NCOH Student Travel Grant
The NCOH awards a number of travel grants to PhD students of NCOH Partners selected to present their abstract at an international One Health-related academic conference.
Within NCOH-SHF a TTW (former STW) perspective proposal was written. “Mother knows best. Improvement in farm animal health, welfare and performance, through early life programming.” This proposal is now in the next round.
The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) selected nine projects for funding for the years 2017 – 2021. One of these projects, DUCAMID, focusses for a large part on St Eustatius.
With their dependence on tourism, the climatic conditions favouring mosquito establishment, and their central position in wildlife migratory routes, the Dutch Caribbean are potential hot spots for outbreaks of virus diseases spread by arthropod vectors (arboviruses), like Zika virus, yellow fever, and others.
The Netherlands Center for One Health (NCOH) with the KNAW presents a colloquium on ‘One Health Approach to Infectious Diseases’ 14-15 Februari. This colloquium brings experts in the field of One Health together to provide an interdisciplinary perspective required to develop and implement durable intervention strategies for infectious diseases. The colloquium is preceded by a masterclass for PhD students on 13 Februari.
We would like to invite you for the next NCOH-AMR symposium of Tuesday January 31st, 2017. This time the meeting will take place in Leiden UMC.