Symposium on the Microbiome. The RIMLS is organizing its eleventh annual international symposium, focusing on the exciting and rapidly emerging field of the Microbiome.
The human microbiome (all of our microbes’ genes) can be considered a counterpart to the human genome (all of our genes). Whilst our genome is fixed for life, the microbiome is continually developing. Disruptions in our microbiome ‘ecosystem’ can lead to disease, and vice versa. Understanding the molecular interaction between us and our microbes is a fascinating area of life science and medical research. From molecular and cell biology to the implications for patients, our symposium will explore the relevance of our microbial friends…or foes.
Our symposium takes full advantage of molecular life science developments in (stem) cell and molecular biology, biochemistry, (epi)genetics, genomics and proteomics, immunology, physiology and more. We will cover various diseases including cancer, arthritis, intestinal disease, skin disease and neurodevelopmental disorders, as well as avenues for therapy. True to our Frontiers symposia, a top line-up of speakers who will provide high-quality presentations on current achievements and challenges ahead. The symposium is aimed at both junior researchers as well as faculty members.
Read more on the New Frontiers symposium 2017 on radboudumc.nl.