On 18 April 2017, the Netherlands Antibiotic Development Platform (NADP) was launched in Utrecht with the project partner, and representatives from science, industry, and government. The aim of the launch event was to show how NADP can help facilitate the next step from academic discovery to accelerate R&D to develop new antibiotics and alternatives to antibiotics.
NADP facilitates the collaboration between public and private organisations aimed at developing new antibiotics and alternative therapies, from initial idea to final product. The NADP partners are NCOH, the Centre for Antimicrobial Research (CARES), the Centre for Sustainable Antimicrobials (CeSAM), and the network organisation Immuno Valley. It is supported by the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare, and Sport (VWS). NADP is embedded in NCOH and closely connected to the NCOH-AMR Strategic Research Theme. It facilitates public-private collaborations in the research and development of antibiotics and alternatives and provides a platform in which academic and industrial partners can meet.
Kees de Joncheere, chairman of NADP: “The development of new antibiotics is an important element in an integrated approach to AMR in the Netherlands and on a global scale. NADP is closely connected to NCOH and can as such make a maximum effort to contribute to the integral AMR approach, while profiting from the knowledge, experience, and networks available in NCOH.”
The keynote speakers from both science and industry provided an overview of the current state of the art, both in research and development. A network session in the afternoon gave participants room to build new partnerships, among others for the upcoming NWO TTW call NACTAR (Novel Antibacterial Compounds and Therapies Antagonizing Resistance). More information on the call can be found on nadp.nl.