You and all NCOH scientists are invited to join the NCOH Science Café on 3 June 2021 to get up to speed with the latest developments.
This year’s theme of the Science Café is the Greening of Cities – One Health challenges. After three international keynote speakers 10 PhD-students will pitch their research each in three minutes. We need your help to choose the best pitch. The winner will receive an award.
Date & Time: Thursday 3 June, 3 – 5 pm (CEST)
Location: you will receive a link prior to the webinar
More information and registration
Greening of Cities – One Health Challenges
Nature is something we need in the city to provide a healthy living environment for people and to maintain a rich biodiversity. By bringing nature into the cities, ecosystems are expanded and broadened. Providing an ecological component in public and private spaces greatly contributes to the creation and conservation of urban biodiversity, attracting animals such as wild bees, butterflies, and birds. Apart from these positive effects, there are also challenges. For example, what does the greening of cities mean for the health of animals, humans and the environment?
Keynote speakers:
- Helen Esser, Assistant Professor, Wageningen University & Research – Tick and the city: the biodiversity benefits and health risks of urban greening
- Maria Diuk-Wasser, Professor of Ecology, Columbia University, – The role of urban greenspace connectivity on the emergence of tick-borne diseases
- Mary Gardiner, professor at Ohio State University – Reimagining Vacant Land as a Resource for Urban Bee Conservation
More about the programme: NCOH Online Science Café ‘The Greening of Cities – One Health Challenges’.
For whom
The meeting is aimed at researchers from our Partners and Associates that are involved in all the NCOH Strategic Research Themes. We particularly encourage young researchers (PhD students, postdocs) to join this meeting.
Please register
If you sign up before 27 May and leave you address, we will send you an NCOH Science Café gift, that you can use for greening the cities.