In the past months NCOH has been hosting a series of scientific lectures on COVID-19, with a special focus on the One Health approach to current challenges. The third webinar about Immunity took place on 1 October. If you missed it, below you can find access to the full webinar recording and the presentation slides.
Watch the webinar ‘COVID-19 – immunity; what do we know, what are the main outstanding questions?’
Watch the whole webinar here and click on the links below to go to the individual PDF presentations.
The speakers were:
- Innate / trained immunity
Prof. Mihai Netea, Radboud University, Faculty of Medical Sciences - Humoral immunity and monoclonal antibodies
Berend-Jan Bosch PhD, Utrecht University, Veterinary Medicine - SARS-CoV-2-specific T-cell responses in COVID-19 patients
Rory de Vries PhD, Erasmus MC, Department Viroscience
This time Maarten Hoek, NCOH Communications Manager, was our host.