Tessa Nelemans has started in Track 19 of One Health Pact: Role of host innate immune responses and arbovirus immune evasion in transmissibility, host range and disease outcome – At LUMC.
My name is Tessa, and I started with my PhD at the LUMC in January. In the beginning, I was taking some introductory courses, and I was busy setting up our culture system for Usutu virus. Next, the goal is to characterise (innate) immune evasion mechanisms of these arboviruses, but for now my work has mainly been redirected to COVID-19 research. Currently, my work is focusing on the development of a new reverse genetics system.
Luckily, I had just moved to Leiden when the lockdown started, which makes going to work a lot easier. Due to the current restrictions activities outside work, like playing squash or meeting up with my friends, are limited of course, but I also like to read or play (online) board games. At the LUMC, we are slowly starting to continue with our regular work so I hope that soon I can continue with my work on Usutu virus and I can meet everyone in person!