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Granted projects

Within NCOH-AMR and NCOH-EID, many NCOH PIs have collaborated for ZonMW calls on AMR and zoonoses, and we are very pleased to announce that many proposals were also granted.

1st ZonMW Antibiotic Resistance call

The 1st ZonMW Antibiotic Resistance call has resulted in six granted NCOH-AMR projects with NCOH-partner participation and coordination:

Antibiotic combination therapies against drug resistant Gram-negative pathogens: Synergy with the innate immune system and effects on the emergence of heteroresistance
Coordinator: Dr. N.I. Martin, Utrecht University

Bacterial histidine kinase inhibitors as novel antibacterials with low potential for resistance development
Coordinator: Prof. dr. J.M. Wells, Wageningen University and Research centre

CAP-NEXT: DiagNostic intervention study of low-dose CT and MultipleX PCR on antibiotic Treatment and outcome of Community-Acquired Pneumonia
Coordinator: Prof. dr. M.J.M. Bonten MD PhD, University Medical Center Utrecht.

Metabolomic fingerprint biomarkers to guide antibiotic therapy and reduce resistance development
Coordinator:  Dr. J.G.C. van Hasselt, Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research, Leiden University

Microbiome Invasion and Transmission of plasmid-mediated Antimicrobial Resistance (MITAR)
Coordinator: Dr. E. Fischer, Utrecht University

PROGRESS: Point-of-caRe diagnOstics to Guide appRopriate antimicrobial thErapy of urinary tract infectionS in nursing homeS
Coordinator: Prof. dr. M.D. de Jong, Academic Medical Center

Visit for more information on ZonMW ABR.

ZonMW Non-alimentary zoonoses call

The ZonMW Non-alimentary zoonoses call has resulted in five granted NCOH-EID projects with NCOH-partner participation and coordination:

Single dose rabies pre-exposure vaccination induces a rapid and effective anamnestic antibody response that obviates the need for human anti-rabies immunoglobulins during post-exposure prophylaxis
Coordinator: Prof. dr. L.G. Visser, Leiden University Medical Center

Zoonoses in the night
Coordinator: Prof. dr. T. Kuiken, Erasmus MC

Talk in Action! Towards a constructive dialogue between stakeholders on livestock-related zoonoses.
Coordinator: Prof. dr. H.F.M. te Molder,  Wageningen University

Risk of Zika virus introductions for the Netherlands (ZikaRisk)
Coordinator: Dr. Ir. G.P. Pijlman, Wageningen University

Ticking on Pandora’s box
Coordinator: Dr. J.W.R. Hovius, Academic Medical Center

Visit for more information on ZonMW Zoonoses.

EU-project H2020 ZIKAlliance

More information: ZIKAlliance – A global alliance for Zika virus control and prevention.

Published earlier on the website

The NWO granted the NCOH-EID project Dutch Caribbean preparedness for mosquito-borne infectious diseases (DUCAMID)
Coordinator: Dr. M.P.G. Koopmans, Erasmus MC
More information: Dutch Caribbean preparedness for mosquito-borne infectious diseases (DUCAMID)

An ERC Consolidator Grant for pharmaceutics researcher Dr. N.I. Martin,  Utrecht University
Developing new antibiotics is an arms race
More information: Developing new antibiotics is an arms race

Six NCOH-AMR projects granted by JPI-AMR
More information: Six NCOH-AMR projects granted by JPI-AMR

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