Erasmus MC professor Marion Koopmans, head of the Viroscience department at Erasmus MC and scientific director of the NCOH, has been chosen by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) as a new member. In total, the KNAW has selected 19 new members. Members of the KNAW, leading scientists from all disciplines, are chosen on the basis of their scientific achievements. The KNAW has around five hundred and fifty members and membership is for life. The new Academy members will be installed on Monday 16 September.
About Marion Koopmans (1956) – Professor of virology at Erasmus MC
Marion Koopmans has strongly contributed to the fight against outbreaks of Ebola, Zika and Corona viruses. She is a world leader in virus spread research and ensures that the results are applied. To map out contamination pathways, Koopmans uses the genetic variation in viruses. She is the initiator of the worldwide NoroNet network for research on noroviruses. As an advisor to the Health Council and the WHO, she plays an important role in combating infectious diseases. In 2018 she received the NWO Stevin premium of 2.5 million euros, the highest distinction in Dutch science.
Read more about all 19 new members on the KNAW website: https://www.knaw.nl/nl/actueel/nieuws/knaw-kiest-negentien-nieuwe-leden (Dutch)