The annual award for best thesis in Public Health, awarded by the Dutch Congress for Public Health, was awarded to our own Young NCOH alumna: Dr. Myrna de Rooij.
The prize is awarded to a starting researcher who has made a special contribution to the scientific study of a social problem, as a result of which (in the long run) a contribution is made to improving the health status of the Dutch population (or specific groups within it) or to improving the structure and functioning of (parts of) Dutch health care system. Dr. Myrna de Rooij was awarded the Prize for her thesis “Livestock-related microbial air pollution: residential exposure and health effects”.
For more information and to send your congratulations:
Dr. Myrna de Rooij: M.M.T.deRooij@uu.nl
Dr. Thomas Plochg: t.plochg@federatievoorgezondheid.nl
Link: PH Proefschriftprijs 2020 (NL).