The focus of Netherlands Centre for One Health (NCOH) is on (re-)emerging infectious diseases, epidemics, and antimicrobial resistance, including veterinary and environmental challenges. Its objective is to find sustainable solutions for global One Health challenges. How NCOH and its researchers accomplish this, you can read in our new brochure.
The brochure not only contains a NCOH vision on One Health by the chair of the NCOH Executive Board, Dick Heederik, but also stories from Prof. Stan Gielen (President NWO Executive Board), Prof. Nico van Meeteren (Executive Director and Secretary General, Health~Holland, Top Sector Life Sciences & Health), and Eline Boelee PhD (Water, Environment & Health at Deltares).
Within each theme of NCOH two projects were put on display by the four NCOH Scientific Directors. And, of course, all kind of facts and figures can be found about investments, people and animals.
The brochure is an interactive PDF through which you can find your way by clicking the buttons on the first page, and at the bottom of each page.