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The third NCOH Annual Scientific Meeting was held in Nijmegen on 17 May 2019. The meeting was well received; over 150 individuals participated and there were over 25 presentations, 7 contestants for the Young NCOH Pitch competition and 15 who presented their digital poster. Look at the photos for an impression of the day.
- The third NCOH Annual Scientific Meeting was held in Nijmegen at Radboudumc on 17 May 2019.
- The pre science meeting for Young NCOH Members with a masterclass on Complexity Science by Ingrid van de Leemput PhD (Wageningen University & Research).
- Welcome by prof. Heiman Wertheim, chair Radboudumc Center for Infectious Diseases.
- Chair Young NCOH, Romy Zwittink, presents her fellow board members Arthur Edridge, Blanca Fernandez Ciruelos, Dennis Doorduijn, Doris van Bergeijk and Jochem Buil.
- Keynote by Prof. Peter Horby (University of Oxford) about One Health in tackling infectious diseases in low and middle income countries.
- Interactive digital poster walk with short 5 min presentations by scientists during lunch.
- Young NCOH Board member Doris van Bergeijk gives information to potential Young NCOH members.
- NCOH’ers walk and talk to the rooms for the 4 parallel NCOH theme meetings.
- Theme Emerging Infectious Diseases Preparedness (EID) with Marion Koopmans and Francesca Velkers (UU) in session.
- Samara Machado gives her presentation what later turned out to be the winning pitch.
- Keynote by Prof. Hans de Kroon (Radboud University) about Insect decline over past decades, impact on one health.
- The winners of this year’s poster and Young NCOH pitch awards are respectively Shehrazade Jekhmane of Utrecht University (left) and Samara Machado of Radboudumc.