NCOH Science Café 8 December 2017
Another NCOH year, many of you are involved in exciting and important research. It’s time for an update! You and all NCOH scientists are invited to join the NCOH Science Café 2017, to get up to speed with the latest developments and meet fellow NCOH colleagues.
You will be welcomed by Annemarie Rebel, Scientific Director NCOH-SHF. Dick Heederik will discuss the latest developments on the NCOH’s yearly theme Metagenomics. Researchers will exemplify the collaboration within NCOH through the presentation of their research projects on Metagenomics. Last but nog least Prof. Hauke Smit will discuss the boundaries and possibilities of Metagenomics. There will be drinks and a bite afterwards with networking opportunities.
Attend the NCOH Science Café and discover all the exciting news we are happy to share with you!
The meeting is aimed at researchers from our Partners and Associates that are involved in all the NCOH Strategic Research Themes. We particularly encourage young researchers (PhD students, postdocs) to join this meeting. The event is free of charge, but registration is required. Please also invite your colleagues by sharing the link. Prior to the NCOH Science Café, theme meetings for Smart & Healthy Farming and Emerging Infectious Diseases will be organised. Interested in joining? Please contact the Scientific Directors.
Please register here.
Date: Friday 8 December 2017
Time: 14.30 – 18.00
Location: Wageningen University & Research, Building Impulse, Stippeneng 2
Programme: please view online.