NCOH webinar ‘When Avian influenza takes flight’
Date & time: 24 February 2022, 3 pm – 4 pm (CET)
Location: Zoom (you will receive a link prior to the webinar)
Bird flu is racing through Europe at the moment, with migratory birds spreading the virus to poultry, waterfowl or other wild birds. Bird flu or avian influenza (AI) is a collective term for different influenza viruses. Some variants of avian flu can be transmitted to humans (zoonosis). Netherlands Centre for One Health organises this webinar to share the latest insights in the role of bird migration on the spread of Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI).
Our experts
- Prof. Thijs Kuiken focuses on infectious diseases at the interface between humans, livestock, and wildlife. He is Professor of Comparative Pathology at the Viroscience Department of the Erasmus MC, where he performs research on emerging viral diseases such as avian influenza and MERS using a One Health approach. He will be presenting ‘Crossing the next frontier: Spread of H5N1 avian influenza from Europe to North America via the Atlantic Ocean, 2021’
- Dr. Mariëlle van Toor is using quantitative models the estimate the effects of large-scale animal movements on the environment. She is researcher at the department of Biology and Environmental Sciences at the Linnæus University, Sweden. She will be talking about ‘Movement ecology meets virology: elucidating the role of wild bird migration in avian influenza’
The moderator of the webinar will be Maarten Hoek, Communications manager NCOH.
More information about Highly pathogenic avian influenza
- Avian influenza and bird flu – WUR
- Influenza virus ecology, evolution, pathogenesis and public health impact – Erasmus MC, Viroscience