Young NCOH

Young NCOH is the network for PhD students and post-docs from the NCOH research groups. Aim of the network is sharing knowledge and expertise in One Health related disciplines, which can lead to new collaborations in research.

Why participate

Interested in great opportunities for expanding your network, knowledge sharing, site visits and interesting meetings? You can join the early career network if you are in your early career, i.e. PhD or post-doc.


Young NCOH Board

The NCOH Board of Directors has appointed the Young NCOH Board with members from various NCOH partners:

  • Britt Coenen – University of Groningen (chair)
  • Ellen Verheul – LUMC
  • Jannie Henderickx – LUMC
  • Marina Meester – Utrecht University
  • Myrthe Willemsen – UMC Utrecht
  • Philip Elders – Amsterdam UMC

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Contact Young NCOH

Questions, ideas for meetings, masterclasses and site visits: send an e-mail to


NCOH Student Travel Grant

The NCOH awards a number of travel grants to PhD students of NCOH Partners selected to present their abstract at an international One Health-related academic conference.