Impact NCOH
The challenges we face concerning health and environmental issues with regard to infectious diseases affect daily life.
- Our job: to explore and prioritize research gaps through a One Health perspective
- Our goal: to create durable solutions
- Our focal concerns: emerging infectious disease outbreaks, antibiotic resistance, including veterinary and environmental factors
Our research and results also affect daily life: solutions to global one health challenges!
We do so by
1. Research
We initiate several new doctoral One Health research projects every year. The projects fit into our NCOH PhD Research Programme and are thematically clustered into Research Topics. Current research topics are:
- Complex systems & Metagenomics
- Disease intervention strategies
- Vector-borne diseases
2. Knowledge exchange
We host a One Health platform to enable discussion and knowledge exchange and to accelerate research. We share expertise with co-workers around the world. We facilitate data exchange between researchers and research groups, and we train future scientists. The Young NCOH network enables PhD students and post-docs to share their knowledge and expertise among early career researchers.
3. Visibility
We share the One Health message nationally and internationally through our website (, newsletters, social media, and by organising scientific (online) meetings, workshops, and conferences.