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PhD defence: Software recognizes and reconstructs genes that contribute to antimicrobial resistance

On 9 July, Jesse Kerkvliet completed his PhD and successfully defended his thesis ‘Antimicrobial resistance on the move: Computational methods to identify and reconstruct mobile genetic elements contributing to AMR dissemination’.


Save the date: 16 October 2024 – NCOH Science Café

Join the upcoming NCOH Science Café: The Environmental Café. With the focus on healthy environments as they are prerequisites for good (one) health and happiness.



NCOH Science Café 2024

NCOH bundles One Health top research

The Netherlands Centre for One Health (NCOH) aims for an integrated One Health approach to tackle the global risk of infectious diseases. NCOH commits to create durable solutions for this major challenge by bundling world-leading academic top research in the Netherlands in the area of One Health.

Young NCOH

Young NCOH is the network for PhD students and post-docs from the NCOH research groups. Aim of the network is sharing knowledge and expertise in One Health related disciplines, which can lead to new collaborations in research.

Complementary research themes

The 4 NCOH strategic research themes are complementary and interactive. They focus on studying the interactions and connections between human, veterinary, wildlife, and environmental health. The focus of NCOH is on (re-)emerging infectious diseases, epidemics, and antimicrobial resistance, including veterinary and environmental challenges. Its objective is to find sustainable solutions for global One Health challenges. How NCOH and its researchers accomplish this, you can read in our NCOH interactive brochure.

NCOH is partner in the Netherlands Antibiotic Development Platform (NADP).

NCOH infographic